
Advertise on Runners Calendar is an event listing website for marathons and half marathons around the world. We provide runners with news and information. If you want to get exposure to runners or athletes that frequently travel and participate in long-distance races, you have come to the right place. There are a few advertising slots on the site in the right column or inline in the content, depending on which page.

Advertising costs

The cost is $195 USD per month to advertise on the Runners Calendar website, getting the opportunity to expose your product, race or event details to runners and athletes every month all over the world. The minimum booking is one month.

Prepayment is required at the time of booking to secure placement (by direct banking to our account).

Ad specifications

Dimensions: 300 x 250 (i.e. 300 wide by 250 height)
File size limit: 100kb
Format: PNG, JPG or GIF (no Flash)
Animations: Animations are acceptable in GIF format, within the file size limit

More information and contact details

If you are interested in advertising on or have any question, please complete the form below (in the website footer) or contact us at


Adding an event

Please note this information is for buying paid advertising (the display ads that appear on the website) and not for adding an event listing. To submit details for an event listing, go to the Add Event page.